えあ草紙・青空図書館 - 作品カード

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著者新美 南吉
翻訳者大久保 ゆう
公開 / 更新2020-07-30 / 2020-07-24
長さの目安約 14 ページ(500字/頁で計算)


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 It was a cold winter morning in the forest. A little fox, who lived alone with his mother, walked out of the hole that was their home.
 “Ow!” cried he, holding his eyes and tumbling back to his mother. “Mommy, I’ve got something in my eyes! Get it out, please!”
 The mother fox was very worried and cautiously pulled his paws away, but she found nothing in his eyes. Then, as soon as she stepped outside, she saw that the ground was all white with snow. With the morning sun shining in the sky, the field was dazzling. She realized that the little fox had been blinded by the strong light thrown back from the snow, which he had never seen before.
 The cub soon started playing in the snow. As he ran around, flakes of silk cotton flew up into the air, reflecting the sunlight in various colors.
 Then suddenly―plump-plop!―with a thud fell some powdered snow onto his head. The little fox rushed away in a panic, but when he stopped to look back, he saw no one. The snow had actually slipped off the branches of a fir tree. He watched some of it still sliding down like threads.
 Later, the little fox went home. “Mommy, my hands are cold―they’re tingling!” said he, holding out his sore wet paws to…

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