えあ草紙・青空図書館 - 作品カード
Tada-Dada of Alangri-Gloriban
タダ-ダダ オブ アラングリ-グロリバン |
作品ID | 857 |
著者 | 辻 潤 Ⓦ |
文字遣い | その他 |
底本 |
「辻潤著作集3 浮浪漫語」 オリオン出版社 1970(昭和45)年3月30日 |
入力者 | et.vi.of nothing |
校正者 | et.vi.of nothing |
公開 / 更新 | 1999-01-24 / 2014-09-17 |
長さの目安 | 約 8 ページ(500字/頁で計算) |
Ich Moi bin an Aristocratic Proletariat and an inverted Idealist who contradict himself for ever.
I have just got the conviction of such an audacious fellow who can evenplagiarizequite at home, andneologizequite at random like my dear grand Laurence Sterne (who is the GreatestDadaistever born in the world, born only too early, and lived and died miserably for the sake of his greatDada.)
To invert Max Stirner into pArt―isn't this another Dadaism ?
Dada-o-koneru,―this “Stray-Leaves Bohemique” is nothing butDadaof poor nameless grasses trampled and dispised under…
Who is the man who plays “Traumerei” onShakuhati?
What a foolish fellow who sings ‘Oiwake’ with Mandoline accompan[#挿絵]e ?
Erochinko nekorond[#挿絵], embracing his old Guitara is humming my favourite petit Russian Melody.
It was just then I sang ‘Oiwake’ for him.
Is there such a beautiful Melody in Japan―sweet and melancholic as ours―?
‘Oui, my dear―’
Fellow Kokusky, a little timid like a rabbit, and sly as well as envious like a fox, (still I love him !) made a caricature of me, and flattered, saying ‘His Shakuhachi sparks some Genius.’―Ha ! ha ! ha !
Eating cutlets like splinters, and drinking beer with curious sm…